Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Last Thursday my mom called to frantically tell me that the 2 houses behind ours (well, my parents') had caught fire and that my dad was the only reason that my parents' house didn't burn down. The full story includes a 911 call, helicopter news footage, and my dad hosing down burning debris on the roof of the house and yard and flagging down fire marshals to get them to battle the flames through our backyard. No one was hurt, and actually the home directly behind ours was vacant at the time.

My dad is a bad a$$. I mean it! And now everyone in the neighborhood knows what I have for a long time. I am just so proud that he's my dad. He is a Libra like me (although I'm sure he has never told anyone "I'm a Libra," or even knows what that means) so he is the best of both worlds - farm hand and scientist, architect and carpenter, stern and oh-so hilarious. He's got that old timey wisdom and tells me things like "Honey, the world's not picking on you that's just the way it is." From him I get my perseverance, sense of humor, sweet tooth, and a healthy fascination with fire.

So, thanks for being my dad, Daddy. I love you! I made you this card and it should get to you tomorrow.

Father's Day Card, originally uploaded by Sweet Moss.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Purple Green and Yellow

I have been in need of some inspiration and am drawing from any and every source available. Growing up, I was a big fan of Robert Munsch especially Purple Green and Yellow (and The Paper Bag Princess). And to be honest, I've dreamed about the tattoos I would get if I didn't think I would tire of them in a year.

In Purple Green and Yellow, Brigid is on a quest for markers. At first she is satisfied with drawing pictures. Then she wants washable markers and next markers that smell and ultimately super-indelible-never-come-off-till-your-dead-and-maybe-even-later markers. She draws on herself with these super sharpies and the rest of the story is about what it takes to get them off. (This book may have been the cause of the absence of markers in my house from ages 3-9).

Last night I was feeling a little silly and went to town on myself with some good old Crayola markers in what turned out to be one part therapy, one part human coloring book and one part practice tattoo. It was pretty magical to be covered in all the symbols that are so powerful to me, to recognize them on me, and the was the visible evidence away.

PS. Thank you Crayola!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New! Poppy Cards & Other Things

New! Poppy Cards, originally uploaded by Sweet Moss.
Poor little neglected blog! Sorry I have been otherwise occupied. Since it has been a while, I do have a few things to share.

My first green thing is about to be released! I have a big of an obsession with green things (clothes, dishes, rugs, shoes) and the Sweet Moss line has felt somehow lacking with nothing green to represent my verde problemo. I have these new little 3.5 x 5 inch poppy cards going up for sale on etsy any minute now. I love this matcha green ink. You'd better believe the little Sweet Moss mushroom on the back of the card is uber cute in green.

I have done some work in my calendar/planner/journal (what do I call this thing?). My favorite part of these pages is the depth in the photo of the bird shape. It was such a happy accident.

Finally, my lotus card has been getting a lot of attention in the Etsy Treasuries. That's pretty nice! It is so fun to see how different people curate their lists. I found this Chai treasury particularly inspiring. I can almost smell the cardamom - or that could be the cardamom chocolate chip oatmeal cookies from last night. Either way, I love it!